Authors | Speakers | Reviewers

27th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings
8–10 April 2025 | Swakopmund, Namibia

Abstracts due 9 September 2024. Submit your abstract via ProMPT.

Paste 2025 proceedings editors

Professor Andy Fourie
Professor of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering; and Program Director – Future Tails
The University of Western Australia

Andy is a professor in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, and program director – Future Tails, at The University of Western Australia in Perth. He has worked at the University of Queensland and the University of the Witwatersrand. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Alberta, the Catholic University of Valparaiso in Chile and the University of Colorado in Boulder. His research is in the field of mitigating the impact of mining and municipal solid waste disposal. Andy has been involved in many industry-focussed projects with current projects including An Evaluation of Tailings Storage Facilities Monitoring Technologies managed by AMIRA and funded by eight mining companies; Future Tails aimed at training, research and education to improve tailings management funded by BHP and Rio Tinto; and Evaluating Potential Static Liquefaction of Tailings to Prevent Failures, funded by six mining companies as well as the Australian Research Council.

Andrew Copeland
Technical Director – South Africa
Knight Piésold

Andrew is a director of Knight Piésold South Africa and the technical director of mining for Knight Piésold Southern Africa. He has had extensive exposure to the international mining industry and to the full chain of mining activities and project stages.

Andrew is a technical specialist in the area of mineral residue management and has a thorough understanding of the associated infrastructure, environmental, social, and economic aspects, including paste, filtered, and thickened tailings. He has substantial experience in civil geotechnics, heap leach facilities, and mine infrastructure. Andrew has also written guidelines and standards for mine residue facilities and carried out numerous audits around the world. Andrew is the engineer of record at several tailings facilities.

Véronique Daigle
Knight Piésold

Veronique Daigle is a lead civil engineer based in Knight Piésold’s Windhoek office in Namibia. She has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering (cooperative program) from the Université de Sherbrooke, with a specialisation in environmental geotechnics and hydraulics. She is a registered professional engineer in Quebec, Canada, and in Namibia.

She has worked in Knight Piésold’s North Bay and Vancouver offices, focusing on the mining and renewable energy industries. She has also worked in Knight Piésold’s Accra office, completing a two-year transfer as part of Knight Piésold’s Global Career Development Program. She joined the Windhoek office in 2013 and her work experience has been focused on project management, mine water and waste management concept development and design, dam inspection, environmental studies, heap leach facility design, construction and post-construction phase services, and geotechnical site investigations. Veronique is a certified Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) verifier with the Mining Association of Canada and a member of both the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) and South African Committee on Large Dams (SANCOLD).

Veronique’s experience includes projects in Canada, throughout North and South America, as well as in West Africa and Southern Africa. She is fluent in French, English, and Spanish, and she is learning German.

Important dates

The following dates will help you take your accepted abstract through to final paper stage. We recommend you add these dates (AWST) to your calendar.

Task Due date
Abstract submission
Abstract acceptance
Draft paper submission
Reviewer feedback
Final paper submission, speaker registration, bio notes, and publication agreement
PowerPoint presentation

ProMPT: ACG online conference proceedings portal

ProMPT is the ACG’s online conference proceedings portal where all submissions and communications regarding your publication will occur. In order to submit an abstract for this conference, you will need to create an account on ProMPT.

Publications process

Abstract submission
Abstracts should not exceed 300 words. Your abstract will be reviewed by the conference editor and you will be notified whether it has been accepted or not accepted. If accepted, we will provide you with the details required to submit your draft paper. 

Draft paper submission
Your draft paper must be submitted using the ACG paper template and be submitted in Word docx format. Papers are not to exceed 14 pages. Please refer to the associated documents listed below.

Reviewer feedback
Your paper will undergo a single-blind peer review-process. All reviewer comments, tracked changes, and feedback will be incorporated into your draft paper, together with ACG desktop publishing changes. We will send you this reviewed version so you can address the comments in your paper. You are required to address and make the changes. If you do not make the changes, please provide an explanation. In some cases, your paper will be returned to the reviewer/s for confirmation changes have been appropriately made.

Final paper submission
Your final paper must be submitted together with your speaker registration, signed publication agreement, signed presentation agreement, and speaker bio notes.

Speaker registration
It is mandatory your speaker registration be completed and paid for your paper to be published. There is one speaker per presentation. The ACG publications team will not undertake any desktop publishing or proofreading work on your final paper until you have registered as a speaker. If you register and subsequently withdraw your paper from the conference, the ACG will withhold an editorial fee of AUD 440 (GST inclusive). Please refer to the Speaker Terms & Conditions.

Publication agreement
To publish your paper, the ACG requires you sign and submit a publication agreement. This must be signed by the lead author of the paper. Your paper will be published in the conference proceedings, as well as on the ACG Online Repository of Conference Proceedings.

Finalising your paper for publication
Once your paper is ready to finalise, the ACG publications team will undertake a final full edit and proofread of your paper. Following this, we will provide you with a PDF version of your final paper to review.

PowerPoint submission
You will be required to forward your PowerPoint presentation to the ACG. If you have video or audio, please advise the ACG. Presentations must be submitted in PowerPoint format using widescreen (16:9) ratio. No other formats, including PDF, are accepted.

Associated documents

Reviewer opportunities

If you are interested in being a paper reviewer for the Paste series, please email

Professional accreditation

Participation in this event may contribute towards your professional development accreditation in the following ways:

  • Attending the event.
  • Presenting at the event.
  • Publishing a paper in the event proceedings.
  • Technically peer-reviewing an event paper/s.

The ACG makes no guarantee of this and recommends you contact your respective professional organisation/s. If you require a certificate of attendance, the ACG can provide you with one. Please contact for details.