Accepted Papers

27th International Conference on Paste, Thickened and Filtered Tailings
8–10 April 2025 | Swakopmund, Namibia


Your Paste 2025 paper has been accepted for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Your reviewed paper is available to download on ProMPT under ‘Files’ and has BTA in the file name.

Your next steps

The ACG requires that the following five items be addressed by no later than 20 January 2025. Click the buttons below to download all required documents and to register as a speaker.

Task Information
Speaker registration
You must register as a speaker to secure your paper’s place in the proceedings and your presentation in the conference program.
Final paper submission
You must address the reviewer feedback and amendments prior to submitting your final paper. Please update your paper with tracked changes on and indicate that you have actioned the amendment. If you do not agree with a reviewer comment or believe it is a misunderstanding, please address this by updating the text to avoid potential misunderstanding as the reader could have the same interpretation as the reviewer. Upload to ProMPT.
Publication agreement
Complete and sign the publication agreement, ensuring all boxes are ticked. Upload to ProMPT.
Bio notes
The registered speaker must submit their bio notes using this template. Please do not exceed 70 words. Upload to ProMPT.
The ACG encourages you to provide your ORCID upon final paper submission. ORCID is a free, persistent identifier that will assist us in connecting authors to their papers. For more information on ORCID, and to register for ORCID, please see

Ready to submit?

When you’ve registered as a speaker, finalised your paper, signed the publication agreement, completed your bio notes, and have your ORCID ready, click the ProMPT button to complete this process. 


Please note that the reviewers’ comments may not necessarily reflect the views of the ACG event organisers.


If you have any questions, please submit a comment via ProMPT by navigating to the ‘Comments’ tab. An ACG team member will be in touch to assist you.